Lithops villetii ssp deboeri  (Schwantes) D.T. Cole

lithops_villetii_ssp_deboeri.JPG (33709 bytes) Distribution:  Western  Cape,
Loeriesfontein district.
Description: The plant is up to 30 mm
in length and 18 mm wide at the fissure,it is clump forming .  The upper surface is usually dark grey-green to brownish while the sides are light greyish-eloow or light brown.  The large window has a carinate margin, islands are alwas present but vary in number, the edges of the islands (yellowish-brown in colour) are not always sharply defined.
Flower:   The flowers are white.

Photographer: Etwin Aslander of Selecta Succulents - Plant/Seed Source

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